CFP SCMS 2019: Archiveology and entanglements of the Anthropocene

Archiveology and entanglements of the Anthropocene

“Archiveology is a practice of collecting images and compiling them in new and surprising ways. . . The author is not only a producer; she is also a builder and a destroyer, constructing new work out of old and making new ways of knowing out of the traces of past experiences. Images and sounds are recordings that engage the senses, documents that are mysterious and secretive until their energies are released in flashes of recognition. Moving image artists are those who create these sparks . . . (Russell 9).

Continue reading “CFP SCMS 2019: Archiveology and entanglements of the Anthropocene”

CFP: Archivist wanted for SCMS panel

We are looking for an archivist to complete our panel for the upcoming SCMS Conference. The event will take place in Seattle between March 13 and March 17, 2019.

We are putting together a panel about film exhibition, venues, spatiality and urbanism. We would like to include an archivist working with holdings that can help this type of research (i.e maps, architectural drawings, urbanism, design plans, programs, brochures, correspondence and ephemera related to these issues, etc.)

Even though our primary goal is to find an archivist to promote panels in which scholars and archivists present finished research combined with archival holdings, do not hesitate contacting us if you are a scholar planing to present a paper that could fit the topic.

If you are interested, please send an email to Elizabeth Lunden (Stockholm University)


CFP for 2018 Regional Symposium, Mid-Atlantic & Southeastern Regions


Call for Papers

Costume Society of America–Joint 2018 Regional Symposium

Mid-Atlantic & Southeastern Regions

October 11-14, 2018

Hosted by
Fashion Archives & Museum
Shippensburg University, Shippensburg PA

EXTENDED Deadline for Abstract Submission: June 1, 2018 Continue reading “CFP for 2018 Regional Symposium, Mid-Atlantic & Southeastern Regions”